Gambling News » November 2001 » November 9, 2001.

A Fruit Fiesta Birthday For Jeanne H. Who Won $39,493.35 Playing Fruit Fiesta Slot At Orbital Casino.

fruit fiesta Jeanne H., Computer Software Implementation Manager, won $39,493.35 progressive jackpot playing Fruit Fiesta Slot at Orbital online casino on November 9th. Fruit Fiesta is a popular 3-reel 3 payline slot machine game developed by Microgaming. For a small max bet of $0.75 per spin you have a chance to win a progressive jackpot. The recent winner Jeanne H answered the following questions of a Jackpot Madness manager:

What happened when you hit the jackpot? Tell us your story!
I just sat looking at my computer screen in shock and then started yelling for my husband to come see what my screen said. The first thing he asked was I playing for real or in my play account. I told him it was for real. I was a wreck! It was my 48th birthday and I had just got home after a very long day at work. I started playing about 8 and at about 10:45 I hit the jackpot. Even though I was tired, I never did get any sleep that night after hitting.

How are you going to spend your jackpot winnings?
I am going to pay off my charge bills and we have already found a new car we are buying, as the lease is up on our current car. We are also going to the nearest casino and splurging again!

What do you do for good luck?
I follow my horoscopes. I get gut feelings about things...

Do you have any hobbies?
Sewing and gardening.

If you could vacation anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Las Vegas!! I have been to Reno and Atlantic City, but look forward to going to Las Vegas and all the glitter.

Do you have any advice for your fellow players?
I truly believe in fate and that things happen for a reason. I stay positive and do not overindulge in anything to excess.

What else would you like to share with your fellow Jackpot Madness fans?
I am married, Mother of two: a son and a daughter. I am 48 years old. This jackpot will allow me to pay off credit card debt and buy a new car. My husband and I are also planning a weekend getaway at the closest casino. Who knows? Luck may shine again. It was such a surprise to hit the jackpot on my birthday. Holidays seem to be lucky for me.

Source: Jackpot Madness

Tags: Jeanne H, Fruit Fiesta, Orbital Casino.

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