Gambling News » April 2004
» April 14, 2004.
Darcy Can't Stop Winning! Darcy S. Wins $27,748.86 Playing Cash Splash At Jupiter Club.

What was your initial reaction to your big win?
All I could do was say ‘Oh my G-d' and then I did a jig around the living room.
How do you plan on spending your winnings?
I am going to have my roof replaced, finally get the kitchen I have always wanted, and get a better vehicle.
How long had you been playing on the day of your win?
I was playing for about 1/2 an hour and was down to about $23.00 in my account. I just kept saying to myself, ‘Just give me something to play with!'
What advice do you have for others?
Don't expect any handouts. If you want something, you have to work for it.
What do you do for good luck?
Since Wednesday my luck hasn't been all too good, so I don't know what to tell you!
What is your dream holiday destination?
I have always wanted to go to Africa, Paris or on a cruise.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
I work 7 days a week. I have no spare time.
What 3 things would you take with you on a deserted island?
A radio, batteries and suntan lotion.
What is your ultimate goal in life?
I want my kids to have the best life they can have.
Is there anything else you would like to tell us about yourself?
I am 43 years old, a single mom, with two children ages 23 & 21. I work in a family business.
Source: Jackpot Madness
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